Haulier Guide - Vehicle Booking System

Book Procedures and Traffic Management

As from 4th April 2019 Peel Ports will be implementing improvements to the VBS procedures. 
Peel Ports is also temporarily implementing the Strand Road entrance procedure to ensure traffic flows are dynamic and to support customers in possession of a correct VBS. 
Once the Haulier community is accustomed to the new process, the temporary Strand Road entrance procedure will no longer be required and Crosby Road Gate will reopen for regular access. 
No emergency passes will be issued at peak slots. Emergency and new driver passes will be only be issued outside peak slots and if the driver has watched the induction video in advance which can be found HERE. 
If you are a business sending a new driver, please ensure the driver is aware of Peel Ports procedures. 
Haulier Vehicle Booking System
This video outlines how the VBS has been updated and what to look out for.

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Solum iusto facete ne qui, ei falli omnesque duo. Pro et nonumes electram 

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