MSC Beryl takes a turn in the Sunk before committing into the main D W Channel. 9th December 2019


MSC Beryl. 11.7m draught from her last port of Le Havre. Next port of Rotterdam. Planned port side Felixstowe Trinity 7. Winds increasing further to 38 knots, the pilot follows the book and aborts commiting into the channel. Hopeful of the wind decreasing to safer levels of 30 gusting below 35 knots. They take a turn out at Sunk and radio Harwich VTS for update on wind a short while later. Wind decreasing to 27-30 knots, the pilot said he would complete their swing and will get in touch with what the wind was up to before he committed. Wind below the top line of safety, they commit to the main deep water channel. The pilot requests two tugs for berthing. One tug outside centre lead aft and ready for powered indirect, second inside harbour push/pull on the starboard shoulder. Heading inwards via the main deep water channel, she passes the outbound Ever Given and pick up headway. Approaching the South Shipwash, Svitzer Deben leaves the pontoon to be the centre lead aft tug. A short while later the Svitzer Sky leaves the pontoon to be the starboard shoulder tug. On the the final approaches the pilot radios the Deben that they probably wouldn't require an indirect around Beach End as she should turn with no problem.

Once inside the harbour the pilot stops the main engine and the sky makes fast on the starboard shoulder. Deben pulls right astern to reduce headway as the MSC Beryl starts to turn to port. Sky pushes up full power on the shoulder. Deben moves onto the starboard quarter and takes the stern around. Port swing complete, the pilot runs engine astern to back up towards Trinity 7. Deben and Sky follow her up the harbour. Both tugs assist with getting her into position alongside Felixstowe Trinity 7 port side to.
