France praises Maersk for the "exemplary" response to Svendborg lost containers

The operation of pinpoining the Svendborg Maersk lost containers has been completed successfully, the French authorities confirmed.
In February 2014, Svendborg Maersk lost over 500 containers in international waters off the Atlantic coast in unexpectedly extreme weather conditions, according to a recently-published report. In the weeks following the incident, nearly a dozen of the boxes were found floating on the water and were recovered by French support vessels. The bill paid by Maersk was 250,000 euros.
In June, the Danish company were given a term until the end of the summer to locate the rest of the tumled boxes from their container ship. Maersk was in charge of scanning the ocean floor in order to update the sea charts to allow fishermen to avoid the sunken boxes. For the purpose of the operation, Maersk chartered the Borda, a sonar search vessel from Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine, a French public body. The cost of the operation was not revealed.
According to a spokesman from the State Office for Maritime Affairs in France, the scan revealed some "clustering" of containers. He also praised the Danish company saying:
“From the outset of what was a major shipping incident, Maersk’s attitude has been exemplary. They were only too ready to meet requests and portrayed a very responsible attitude throughout.”
Svendborg Maersk


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