Dockers demonstrating in the streets of Rouen

I have been asked to post this by Svein Lundeng  & Dockers Hangarounds on behalf of the French Dockers

France March 24
A national strike to overturn a new law that destroys more than 100 years of labor struggle. More work, less rest, dismissal of workers easier for companies etc..
Dockers demonstrating in the streets of Rouen
"A protest without firecrackers is ..."
Many residents of Rouen prefecture were very frightened this morning being awakened by the noise of many explosions. Especially as columns of smoke rose into the sky. It was a Rouen Dockers punch action. An event that has resulted in congested access roads to Rouen. Some motorists have up to three hours to complete their journey to work (instead of 30 minutes).

At 10 am, dock workers have moved to the left bank, Clemenceau course, to join the start of the third demonstration against the reform of the labor code, organized with trade unions, students and high school students. The procession has to pass through the streets of downtown Rouen promises noisy: dockers were still firecrackers ...
