Algeciras studies an agreement that could put an end to the stowage strike in the port

Algeciras studies an agreement that could put an end to the stowage strike in the port

Hutchison - one of the largest port operators in the world - has managed to manage the most important terminal in the port of Barcelona and one of the largest in the Mediterranean in terms of semi-automation of operations, has agreed with the trade unions Of the stowage that the conflict that affects the Spanish ports must be solved through the negotiation of the V Sector Sectorial Agreement that addresses the guarantee and stability of the jobs and the revision of the conditions of work that allow to improve the competitiveness Of the ports. This negotiation requires the normalization of work activity so the strike that is being developed on Monday in the form of alternative work stoppages in other Spanish ports is not affecting these facilities.

The proposed agreement, which is being analyzed by the shipping operators that manage APMT and TTIA container terminals in the port of Algeciras for possible application, provides for the 100% employment guarantee of current SAGEP. With regard to operational improvements in ports, trade unions would ratify the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 of the document of 29 March 2017, concerning the organization of work and the system of modification and establishment of working conditions in ports .
As regards remuneration, the parties would agree that the instrument for improving competitiveness established in point 7 of the first paragraph of the "Stevedoring Agreement" of 29 March 2017 will be incorporated into the V Agreement, Entering into force on the date and that is established in the same or, if applicable, will be integrated for the company in the agreement or collective agreement that will be signed for such purposes for the personnel that provides services in the company. And in relation to the negotiation of the Fifth Framework Agreement, the objective is to finalize the negotiation before September 30, 2017.

Issues to be addressed include the transformation of SAGEP into port employment centers, the subrogation of SAGEP staff, labor participation in the vocational training system and non-work professional practices, vocational training, The recruitment of staff to stevedoring companies, the integration of sectoral and multi-company agreements at local level and, in general, matters proposed by the parties and the adaptation of the State Sectorial Agreement to legislative amendment.
Finally, in relation to the maintenance of conditions of stability during the negotiation, both parties commit themselves to maintain a climate of stability in the sector that allows the dialogue and collective bargaining of the framework agreement.

If the two container terminals of the port of Algeciras accepted in the next few hours the conditions of this document, Algeciras would add to the situation created by Hutchinson in Barcelona, ​​which would leave in question the role of Anesco as employer of the sector, as it will be staged By two of the three main ports of the country the internal division between the stevedoring companies.
