Stop Ports Package 3 Petition


Stop Ports Package 3 Petition

Responsible department: Department for Transport
So the EU proposes new laws which basically requires all ports and terminals to compete with other companies, like agency companies, can compete for the work which comes into our ports and terminals. The new laws will undermine every collective bargaining agreement as other employers could take our work. The competition for work would come down to the lowest price, meaning the company which offerred the lowest wage, terms and conditions wins, and we would lose.

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Created by:
Felixstowe Docker
28/11/2013 09:37

One more reason why we are against an inhuman law, imposed on us with votes in favor of the PSD, CDS PP, PS:
Every year we stevedores to die at work every year we lose members dockers at work, every year we dockers going on sick leave for several months, caused by an accident at work.
Every year we stevedores who lost his wife and children due to "flexible" working hours, and every year we hear the same people (who work from 9am to 17h, in comfortable offices) scream Well we won and we are not flexible enough, while we take care of another colleague who is about to lose his wife and children because of their excessive work while we get back another colleague who was out because it was crippled while we visited a colleague who will be incapacitated for the rest of his days, while we bury another colleague, until we become whole and see our children grow up ....
These people are trying times we have even more flexible, more pressure at work and we are quite precarious. This is not a declaration of war, but rather just a way to try to raise awareness about the inhumane consequences, that our rulers want to implement in Ports and Stevedoring.
