Launch of cooperation group on shipping accidents

The Commission today launched the "Cooperation Group on Places of Refuge", a forum for Member State authorities dealing with ships in need of assistance. More than 20 Member States and EFTA countries, as well as representatives of the Commission and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) took part in the first meeting.
As Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, stated: "We have an opportunity to look at the 'MSC Flaminia' incident and possibly learn from it collectively. This group has the broad mandate to address any specific questions arising in relation to places of refuge. I look forward to constructive suggestions for improvement actions we can take up together."
Taking into account, last year’s Flaminia accident, which involved an explosion and fire on the container ship 'MSC Flaminia' in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the cooperation group plans to examine the implementation of current EU legislation and offer clarifications and guidance on existing provisions. It will also advise or make recommendations for a revision of the relevant EU directive regarding "places of refuge".

In addition, given the fact that shipping accidents often involve more than one state the group will also take into consideration the applicable international law. Finally, it will discuss possible suggestions for the review of the Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system Directive.
In November 2003, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Asembly adopted two resolutions addressing the issue of places of refuge for ships in distress. These include guidelines regarding shipping accidents, such as transferring the cargo and bunkers and repairing the casualty, as well as the establishment of a maritime assistance service (MAS). 
